Vietnam Weather by Month – Weather Per Month & Climate

Climate in Vietnam

Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia with a tropical monsoon climate. It has a long coastline spanning over 3,260 km facing the South China Sea in the east and Gulf of Tonkin in the north. The weather in Vietnam is influenced by its location in the tropics and monsoon winds.

Vietnam has two primary seasons – the hot rainy season from May to September, and the warm dry season from October to April. While Vietnam only has two defined seasons, the weather patterns vary significantly between the different regions.

The northern, central and southern regions of Vietnam each have distinct weather patterns and temperatures. The mountainous regions in northern Vietnam also have cooler weather compared to the plains.

Vietnam Weather by Month: Average Temperature and Rain

Vietnam’s weather varies significantly through the year with distinct temperature and rainfall patterns each month.

Weather in January

January falls during the cool dry season in Vietnam. It is usually the coolest month of the year.

  • North – Temperatures range from 17 to 22°C. Cold winds from China can cause drops in temperatures.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 20 to 25°C. Cool and dry.
  • South – Temperatures range from 26 to 31°C. Warm and dry.
  • Rainfall is scant throughout Vietnam in January.

Weather in February

February continues the cool and dry season. Temperatures start rising towards the end of the month.

  • North – Temperatures range from 18 to 24°C. Increasing humidity.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 22 to 27°C. Low rainfall.
  • South – Temperatures range from 28 to 33°C. Humidity increases.
  • Little to no rainfall across Vietnam.

Weather in March

March transitions from the cool dry winter into the hot summer season. Temperatures rapidly rise.

  • North – Temperatures range from 21 to 28°C. Increasing heat and humidity.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 25 to 31°C. Clear skies prevail.
  • South – Temperatures range from 30 to 35°C. Hot and humid.
  • Rainfall increases from north to south. Risk of showers and thunderstorms.

Weather in April

April is hot and humid across all regions of Vietnam. The summer monsoon begins.

  • North – Temperatures range from 24 to 30°C. Very humid. Light rain showers.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 27 to 33°C. Hot and dry.
  • South – Temperatures range from 31 to 35°C. Sweltering heat. Afternoon thunderstorms.
  • Moderate rainfall, especially in the evenings. typhoon risk along coast.

Weather in May

May is the hottest month in Vietnam. It marks the start of the summer monsoon season.

  • North – Temperatures range from 27 to 34°C. Very hot and oppressive. Frequent thunderstorms.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 29 to 35°C. Hot and dry during the day, cooler at night.
  • South – Temperatures range from 32 to 35°C. Extremely hot and humid. Heavy rainfall.
  • Very high humidity across Vietnam with regular rainfall. Northern Vietnam receives the highest rainfall in May.

Weather in June

June falls during the peak of the hot rainy summer season in Vietnam.

  • North – Temperatures range from 29 to 35°C. Intense heat and heavy rain. Risk of flooding.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 31 to 36°C. Hot, humid and wet. Frequent thunderstorms.
  • South – Temperatures range from 32 to 34°C. Hottest temperatures of the year. Torrential rain.
  • Very heavy rainfall across Vietnam, especially in the north. flash floods and landslides occur.

Weather in July

July is the hottest and wettest month of the year in northern and central Vietnam.

  • North – Temperatures range from 28 to 34°C. heat and oppressive humidity. Torrential downpours frequent.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 28 to 34°C. Hot and intensely humid. Very heavy rain.
  • South – Temperatures range from 29 to 33°C. Hot with high humidity. Heavy rainfall continues.
  • Peak of the summer monsoon with very heavy rain across Vietnam. Widespread flooding risk.

Weather in August

August continues the hot rainy summer weather. Rainfall starts decreasing from the north.

  • North – Temperatures range from 28 to 33°C. Very hot and humid. Heavy rain early in month, decreasing later.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 27 to 33°C. Hot and wet with heavy downpours. Typhoon risk high.
  • South – Temperatures range from 27 to 31°C. Hot and humid with frequent rain.
  • High rainfall continues, especially in central and south. Typhoons likely along coast.

Weather in September

September marks the beginning of autumn in Vietnam. Temperatures gradually drop while rain persists.

  • North – Temperatures range from 26 to 31°C. Heat and humidity reduces. Moderate rain.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 26 to 31°C. Hot with high humidity. Heavy rain persists.
  • South – Temperatures range from 26 to 30°C. Hot and humid. Frequent heavy showers.
  • Rainfall reduces in north, remains very high in central and south regions.

Weather in October

October transitions into the wet autumn season. Temperatures fall further with rain continuing.

  • North – Temperatures range from 23 to 29°C. Comfortably warm and humid. Moderate rain.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 24 to 29°C. Warm with high humidity. Heavy rain.
  • South – Temperatures range from 25 to 30°C. Warm and wet. Periods of heavy rain.
  • Rain persists through October, especially in central and southern Vietnam.

Weather in November

November sees the monsoon season coming to an end across Vietnam.

  • North – Temperatures range from 20 to 26°C. Cool and dry. Low chance of rain.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 22 to 28°C. Warm and humid. Rain decreasing.
  • South – Temperatures range from 24 to 29°C. Warm with moderate rain. Humidity dropping.
  • Rainfall significantly reduces by November. Cool and dry season approaches.

Weather in December

December begins the winter dry season in Vietnam. Temperatures drop while humidity levels lower.

  • North – Temperatures range from 17 to 23°C. Cool, dry winter. Low rainfall.
  • Central – Temperatures range from 21 to 26°C. Warm and dry. Clear blue skies.
  • South – Temperatures range from 24 to 29°C. Warm and dry. Comfortable weather.
  • Dry weather prevails through Vietnam in December. Cold winds can cause a drop in temperatures in North Vietnam.

Vietnam Climate by Regions

Vietnam can be broadly divided into the north, central, south and mountainous regions – each with distinct weather patterns.

North Vietnam (Hanoi, Halong Bay)

North Vietnam has a humid subtropical climate with cool, misty winters and hot, wet summers.

  • Winter (Nov-Apr) – Temperatures range from 15 to 22°C. Cool and dry with occasional mist and fog.
  • Summer (May-Oct) – Hot and humid with temperatures from 27 to 35°C. Very heavy rain during the monsoon.
  • The summer monsoon brings heavy rain from May to September while winters are cool and dry.

Central Vietnam (Hue, Da Nang and Hoi An)

Central Vietnam has a tropical savanna climate with hot summers and mild winters.

  • Winter (Nov-Apr) – Temperatures range from 20 to 26°C. Warm, dry and sunny.
  • Summer (May-Oct) – Very hot from 29 to 36°C. High humidity. Torrential rain and typhoons.
  • Hot and dry from January to August. Very heavy rain from September to December during the monsoon.

South Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang, Mui Ne)

South Vietnam has a tropical monsoon climate with high temperatures throughout the year.

  • Winter (Nov-Apr) – Temperatures range from 25 to 31°C. Warm and dry.
  • Summer (May-Oct) – Hot and humid around 31 to 35°C. Torrential downpours.
  • Hot weather persists through the year with temperatures rarely dropping below 25°C. The southwest monsoon brings heavy rain from May to November.

The Mountainous Regions

The mountainous northern region has a temperate climate due to the high elevation.

  • Cool weather throughout the year, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 25°C.
  • Winters are cold, misty and wet. Summers are comfortably warm with high rainfall.
  • The high peaks above 1500m often experience frost and freezing temperatures during winter.

Best Time to Visit Vietnam

Vietnam can be visited year-round but the ideal time varies across different regions.

North Vietnam

The best time to visit North Vietnam is during autumn (September – November) when the summer heat has abated while rainfall decreases. Days are warm and comfortable. Winters can be damp and cold.

Central Vietnam

The best time is between January to August when the weather is hot and dry. The worst time is during the autumn monsoon from September to December which sees very heavy rain.

South Vietnam

The most ideal time is from December to April during the dry season with comfortable temperatures and low humidity. Avoid May to November due to the very hot weather and heavy monsoon rains.

Seasons in Vietnam

Vietnam’s weather can be classified into four main seasons:

High Season (June – July)

The peak summer months see the hottest weather and heaviest rainfall in Vietnam, especially in the north and central regions. Temperatures can exceed 35°C while humidity levels are extreme. Widespread flooding and landslides occur. Typhoons impact the central coast. Travel can be hindered during June and July.

Low Season (September – October)

Autumn sees gradually cooling temperatures while heavy rain persists, especially in central and south Vietnam. Humidity levels remain high. Weather conditions improve towards late October. Good time for discounted tours and hotels.

Rainy Season (Monsoon Season)

The summer monsoon (May to Sep) brings very heavy rain, floods and typhoons. The winter monsoon (Sep to Dec) sees heavy rain continue in central and southern Vietnam. Travel is difficult due to flooding and storms.

Typhoon Season

The typhoon season in Vietnam runs from June to November, peaking in August and September. The central coastline is most prone to typhoons, which bring intense wind, rain and storm surges.

When are Rice Fields Most Beautiful?

Vietnam’s terraced rice fields are most vibrant and lush during May right before the rice harvest season in June and July. By far the best time to see stunning green rice paddies across Vietnam.


Vietnam experiences tropical monsoon climate with a hot rainy season from May to September and a cooler dry period from October to April. While the south remains hot year-round, the north has cool, misty winters. The weather varies significantly between different regions. Central Vietnam receives the highest rainfall, making it prone to flooding and typhoons. The ideal time to visit differs across north, central and south Vietnam depending on one’s interests.